Our “Enterprise Skills” and “Introduction To” days

The Enterprise Skills Days and Introduction To days can be arranged for alternative year groups, the list below is to give you an idea of the types of things we can offer your young people.

We are adding to these all the time, so please feel free to ask us for assistance with a chosen trade or industry, for example, we are currently working on the session plans and activities for an Introduction to the Care Industry and an Introduction to Events.

Enterprise Skills Day – Who Likes Cake? (Year 4)

Most young people love cake … and they like to make things!  Our interactive enterprise skills day encourages them to make cakes out of playdough and work out the best way to sell them.  Throughout the day, the young people will learn employability skills including entrepreneurship, teamwork and communication.

Enterprise Skills Day – Who Built My House? (Year 5)

There are lots of job roles involved with constructing a house so this activity day helps the young people to understand how that happens from digging the foundations to the interior design.  As many of the trades are on a self-employed basis, and on the apprenticeship route to work, we start to engage and inform the young people about the various options in to the construction industry.

Enterprise Skills Day – Who Created my Wedding? (Year 6)

Event planning is integral to many jobs now as more meetings and conferences are organised, so our day will demonstrate what happens behind the scenes to create the perfect wedding.  As with the construction industry, most roles within event planning are self-employed and are for those with artistic flair and creative talents, so we engage and inform the young people about options which are available to them.

Introduction to Hospitality (Year 7)

Hospitality has many different job roles from food preparation and housekeeping through to marketing and management.  Our one day interactive workshop offers activities to demonstrate the different departments and roles within the hospitality industry as the young people design and create a bespoke hotel.

Introduction to Retail (Year 8)

Shopping is part of our daily life but what happens behind the scenes?  This interactive day of workshops looks at the changes in the retail market and the different ways of selling.  The sessions will cover everything from network marketing and internet sales to market trading and the high street.

Introduction to Enterprise (Year 9)

How many of us walk our dog or our neighbour’s dog and get paid for doing it?  This one day session looks at starting a small dog walking business through activities including skills audit, communication techniques, the importance of social media and marketing.

Introduction to Marketing, Sales and Selling Yourself (Year 10)

We can all sell products but can we sell ourselves?  Our interactive full day workshop looks at the “Golden Circle” and how we can use those techniques to help gain employment and create opportunities in the work place.  The young people will have the chance to demonstrate their self-marketing skills later in the day with a one-to-one interview with an employer.

Introduction to the Working World (Year 11-13)

Our final half-day session looks at the world of work including person specifications, job descriptions, taxes, payroll and contracts of employment.  The session is extremely interactive and led by local employers.